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Day 26 – 32 of 365 – Whole Week Records at Once / 23.1. – 29.1. 2012

January 31, 2012

I’m bloody over loaded by my cool work. On one side I enjoy it, I also play a lot with my children and do not do a kind of work-a-holism, but all of these activities caused I were not able to write an ordinary post to my log book every evening.

I also thought on longer trips what I should I write about. I really thought that the smoking quit will sustain a topic relevance for at least a couple of months. But I have to say, what has been already said several times: I have no problems with the fact that I quit smoking. I just do not smoke, what is cool. I did not do ever a puff since 28th of December 2011. Exactly how I decided to do it.

I visited several restaurants in the last week and I had no taste for the cigarette. I also tried to explain to several of my friends, why I quit smoking. In fact, I think, nobody of them were really interested in it, but they even asked for it, so I answered. I sit with my friends, we talk, we eat some good lunch. Some of them are smokers, some of them are not. I don’t care of it. The most important thing for me: I do not have even the taste or thought for the cigarette, although I sit just in the front of the smoker and he/she is smoking.

Interesting fact… I really think why I were so stupid for many years and I smoked cigarettes.

The intention of this log book has to be re-thought. As far as I see, even I’d have time for writing a daily post, the lack of topics would be killing for he daily kind of approach.

I think I will keep this log book running, but the daily posts basis is switched to the ad-hoc basis, what means I will record a log book post every time I get some really interesting material related to “how to quit smoking?” topic, what is the initial idea behind this experiment.

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